If you're happy with the valuation and the marketing strategy we discussed, you can instruct us to sell your home.
Here's a flavour as to how we'll work together to achieve a great outcome:
A great track record. Over the years, we've sold thousands of homes across all sectors. We pride ourselves in securing the right price, which leaves sellers and buyers happy.
Convenience for buyers. Whilst well weed out the time-wasters, we'll also make it as easy as possible for prospective buyers to view your home so you don't miss out on a potential sale.
Create desire for your property. We'll ensure your property makes a great first impression on the market. We can organise professional photos of your well staged home along with accurate floor plans, to give buyers a feel for space and layout. Add in enticing property particulars and its one way we get quality viewers lining up.
High visibility and maximum exposure. An internet presence is critical so it's a given your property will enjoy a strong presence on the very best sites including Rightmove.co.uk, Onthemarket.com, and www.imoveproperty.co.uk.
Local advertising. You'll also benefit from a strong local presence including local press, inviting window displays in prime locations, as well as our own, widely distributed magazine Property News.
Buyers ready to move. With a comprehensive and growing list of prospective buyers seeking properties like yours, its likely we'll have viewers for your property before it's even on the market.
Viewings made easy. We'll accompany prospective buyers and take care of all your viewings so you don't have to. And if the thought of keeping your house viewer ready causes stress, chat with us about a Viewings Launch. This method is highly effective and helps you carry on with your busy life as normal. Reach a wider target audience of applicants for your property
What our clients say about us
I had to find a new buyer for my property very quickly and Rob certainly delivered a great service!
- Lily C
We recently sold our flat through iMove, our agent Rob was great. We had multiple viewings lined up within days of being on the market and quickly secured a buyer.
- Cloudia C
"I would like to say a special thanks to the iMove Property Lettings team who helped us move into our flat effortlessly and sufficiently. Very easy and professional. Highly recommend!
- Ashlehi L
Great experience from the first call. Friendly and interested staff that go the extra mile, to deliver
- Stephen B
We had a great experience with iMove when selling our home. The process was very fast.
- Raluca P
Just want to say a huge thank you to the team at iMove for helping us with our rental process - Narad in particular was so friendly
- Zoe R
"We are very pleased to work with the BBC on the latest series of Homes Under The Hammer. Here at iMove Property we are proud to be a gamechanger for the Property market within
Crystal Palace and surrounding areas"
"Wonderful service, amazing help and can't recommend highly enough. Thanks for being so professional and helping us out! Best estate agent by miles"
"Excellent agents. Robert went out of his way to make sure we got the tenancy and we really appreciated his hard work. Would highly recommend."
"Robert and the iMove team have been such a great help in not only helping us find a great rental flat, but also were really helpful and supportive of our move into our newly bought home. Great service, very helpful, friendly and extremely professional! Thanks for all the help!"
"They were enthusiastic, knowledgable and also pragmatic about the pricing. They were considerate when showing people round, and their negotiation skills meant we got a sale well over the asking price within 14 days."
"Recently bought a flat through and was really pleased with the way it was dealt with. The agent I had contact with was friendly plus efficient - I was kept informed of everything that was going on which kept the stress levels to a bare minimum."